It’s conventional wisdom that everyone puts on a pound or two during the holidays. And, of course, there’s some truth in that. Who wants to miss out on all the yummy treats that are traditional to the season and that you look forward to eating all year long? Still, it’s best that you don’t overindulge because a pound or two gained in 2017 could still be with you in 2027. Here are a few ways to offset your holiday indulgences:
Stock up on protein and veggies. If you eat too big a helping of mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing and pie, don’t fret. Just be sure to stock up on protein and veggie in your meals in the following days. Meals that are high in protein signal your body to start burning off fat.
• Do a high-intensity interval workout once a week. If you overdo the nibbling on the hors d’oeuvres at a holiday party, you can burn off any extra fat before it settles on your hips.
• Drink water. If you are trying to cut back after the holiday and are feeling snacky, reach for water first. People often mistake thirst for hunger and drinking some extra water can make you feel more full.
• Wait 10 minutes for cravings to pass. Studies show that many cravings last only 10 minutes, so next time you have a hankering for a frosted sugar cookie, set a timer and get busy thinking about something else.You’ll be surprised how quickly your craving will go away.