Did you know that Americans gave nearly $440 billion to charitable organizations last year? How and when do you donate money? Planning out your charitable giving allows for a more thoughtful, deliberate approach to your charitable giving. You might ask yourself whether there were donations you felt coerced to make last year, or charities you wish you’d supported more. You could ask those organizations you care most whether they prefer small, frequent donations or one large one at a particular time of year.
What is the best way to select a charity? One of the best places to start is GuideStar, which has tools and research to help ensure your money is well spent. Here are GuideStar’s five simple steps to better giving:
Clarify your values. Don’t just give to the ones that ask. Do you want to go local or international?
Focus on the mission. Make sure the charity has a clear mission that’s in line with your beliefs and principles.
Get the facts. Tax-exempt charitable organizations have to be transparent about their finances. Study their websites and read their annual reports.
Verify legitimacy. GuideStar is one way to check a charity’s tax-exempt status and finances, but the IRS also has a tool for checking so you’ll know whether you can deduct your donations.
Trust your instincts. A reputable charity will answer your questions and won’t pressure you to donate.