No one likes a wrinkle, on their face or their favorite silk blouse. As we age, our skin changes and if we’re not careful, we could start to show a lot more of those pesky wrinkles. But wrinkles aren’t a given as we get older. With a little genetic luck and some personal care, you can avoid those dreaded lines. Here are a few tips for maintaining flawless skin.
Have you noticed that when wrinkles develop, it happens a lot around your eyes? That happens when a constant repetitive motion causes the muscles in the face to develop which leaves behind wrinkles. When you squint your eyes, the skin wrinkles. If you keep doing it, the wrinkles will stay even when the muscles aren’t contracting.
The skin around your eyes is some of the most delicate on your body and needs to have special care. Rubbing your eyes roughly can stretch the skin and can break down collagen and elastin, leaving wrinkles. The same happens if you stretch the skin around your eyes to apply makeup. Our best advice is to leave the skin around your eyes alone as much as possible.
The sun is public enemy #1 when it comes to causing wrinkles. You should be wearing sunscreen every day, regardless of the weather or season. You don’t need to slather on SPF 100 or anything for incidental sun exposure, like when you walk from your car to a building. For women, find a foundation that has sunscreen in it. For men, use your favorite sunscreen after you shower.
Did you know smoking can cause wrinkles and serious skin damage, not to mention all the other health problems it brings along? Nicotine restricts the blood vessels in your skin, which starves your skin of oxygen and helpful nutrients. And then there is the smoke, which contains more than 4,000 chemicals, none of which are good for you or your skin.
We can’t control aging, but we can certainly control how we look doing it. Don’t let wrinkles and saggy skin make you look old and haggard. Along with these tips, be sure to use a retinol product, which helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Show those wrinkles who is in charge and send them back to where they came from.