Did you know that more older adults are driving then ever before? The number of licensed drivers 65 and older is up 50 percent since 1999, to 40 million drivers. The aging of Baby Boomers, of course, is at play here, but perhaps there’s another factor: This may be the first generation in which most everyone has driven cars, SUVs and pickup trucks all of their adult lives.
The ability to drive is intrinsically tied to our sense — and reality — of being independent. But there’s no getting around the truth of the matter: Age diminishes some of the abilities that are involved in driving. Older people generally don’t see as well, don’t hear as well, are slower to react, and may have trouble making quick decisions about distance, speed and the movement of vehicles around them. Plus, they may have trouble turning to look over their shoulders at other vehicles. What older drivers have going for them is experience behind the wheel, knowledge of — and compliance with — traffic laws and seasoned judgment. Older drivers generally drive fewer miles, and rarely are involved in accidents caused by alcohol or high rates of speed.
To help assure that you remain a good driver well into your golden years, consider taking these steps:
• Have your vision and hearing tested regularly, and be sure to wear any prescribed glasses or hearing aids while driving. Keep your windows, mirrors and headlights clean, and drive only in daytime hours if you have trouble seeing well at night. Turn down the radio or keep it off when you’re in traffic situations that demand your full attention.
• Stay physically active so you have the agility to turn your body and head in both directions to check for vehicles behind and to the sides of your own.
• Take your medications as prescribed, but read the warning information in case any of them can cause drowsiness or other behavior that could impair your driving.
• Take a defensive driving course or perhaps a refresher course designed specifically for seniors. Many communities offer these, and they can be extremely helpful.
For more statistics and helpful tips, go here and here. Happy travels!