Summer is officially here and that means it's time to quench your thirst with a specialty lemonade drink! These refreshing, non-carbonated beverages are perfect for sipping on by the pool or guzzling after a long hike in the hot sun. Keep reading to... (Read More)
Just because you've reached the so-called golden years doesn't mean you have to stop earning money. Whether you need a small — or not-so-small — amount of cash to feel more comfortable each month, there are ways to continue working that are more... (Read More)
Summer is just around the corner, and that means one thing: barbecue season. Although it can be difficult to eat healthy during the summer months, there are a variety of foods that are grill-friendly and low-calorie too. Keep reading to learn... (Read More)
Giving your body the right nutrients it needs to thrive is the first step in creating a healthy lifestyle for yourself! As you grow older, your metabolism slows down, meaning you need less calories to survive. However, it's important those calories... (Read More)
Eating healthy while traveling is a difficult task, especially if you're the type of person that travels often. It's often easier and cheaper to grab fast food or a quick slice of pizza than it is to make time to cook or find healthier options... (Read More)
It’s true — the sweaty equipment at the gym is a breeding ground for all types of germs. Although gym staff work hard to keep the equipment clean, there's no way to avoid people who are sick and sneezing or coughing on the equipment. These tips... (Read More)
Unfortunately, muscle mass decreases as we age, making injuries and falls much more likely. In fact, it's common to lose up to 3 to 5 percent of muscle mass per decade after turning 30. In order to preserve and maintain muscle mass, it 's important... (Read More)
Did you know the average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar per day? This amount translates to about 57 pounds of added sugar consumed per year. The recommended amount is just six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men of added sugar... (Read More)
Let's face it - life gets busy and even as we age, it doesn't always show signs of slowing down. With the hustle and bustle of your day, it can become difficult to be creative when it comes to healthy lunch ideas. You may catch yourself in a rut of... (Read More)