Just because you've reached the so-called golden years doesn't mean you have to stop earning money. Whether you need a small — or not-so-small — amount of cash to feel more comfortable each month, there are ways to continue working that are more... (Read More)
It's basic human nature to value relationships and connections with others. Few of us want to be alone, especially as we age. In spite of many ways to stay connected via phones and social media, studies show we are lonelier than we've ever been —... (Read More)
We've all been there, tossing and turning restlessly in bed at 4 a.m., waiting for sleep to come. Receiving the proper amount of sleep is essential for memory function and allows the body to repair any cell damage from the day. Most adults are... (Read More)
Spring is a great time to clean and declutter, so that the inside of your home matches the fresh world outside. Here are some tips for seniors on safe and effective spring cleaning techniques:
Clean out the medicine cabinet. Be sure to rid your... (Read More)
No one wants to stress over what they will be eating during the week. But going to the grocery store with a plan in mind — and a list in hand — can help ensure you buy foods with the best nutritional value for your money. Here are some... (Read More)
One of the keys to finding an effective exercise program is finding one you'll embrace again and again until it becomes part of your weekly routine. It's also important to set reasonable expectations and focus on feeling good more than on achieving... (Read More)
Seniors: It's time to get out and get walking, whether in the mall or, weather permitting, in the neighborhood. Did you know walking up to two miles per day can help you focus and process information better? According to studies, vascular cognitive... (Read More)
Everyone loves a good cookie, but most of us don't like to consume too many calories. Wouldn't it be great to have some cookie recipes that have more healthy ingredients? Here you go:
Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 cups almond flour |
1/2... (Read More)
It's conventional wisdom that everyone puts on a pound or two during the holidays. And, of course, there's some truth in that. Who wants to miss out on all the yummy treats that are traditional to the season and that you look forward to eating all... (Read More)