We've heard phrases like "eat what you want and lose weight" a million times. Although fad diets promise weight loss, you may not be getting the results you want, and there may be a reason: They don't work for long-term weight loss and health! Steer... (Read More)
As you age, not only is it important to keep your heart healthy. You also need to make sure you are building adequate muscle mass by incorporating strength training into your exercise routine. Below are some exercises to strengthen your knees... (Read More)
Fall is the perfect time to warm up your house (and make it smell great!) with breads, cookies or pastries fresh from the oven. It's also the perfect time to include a bit of pumpkin in your diet, since the orange orbs are so abundant and filled... (Read More)
Good nutrition is the key to a healthy life. Here are five simple health and nutrition tips:
Avoid drinking your calories. Sugary drinks are one of the most fattening things you can eat or drink because the brain doesn't register liquid... (Read More)
As we get older, aging takes a toll on our muscles and our bones. In the United States, over 53 million people either already have osteoporosis or are at a high risk of developing it due to low bone mass. Many elderly people see a decrease in... (Read More)
Sciatica pain, characterized by a tingling sensation and pain running down the legs and back, can strike at any time — especially as you get older. Although anti-inflammatories may temporarily ease the pain, it's better to get to the root of the... (Read More)
A protein shake is a great source of post-workout protein for any age. However, the same old protein shake week-after-week might start to taste a bit bland. Check out these protein shake recipes to spice up your daily routine:
Very Berry... (Read More)
Late summer is the perfect time to visit a theme park, since children and teenagers are getting back into a school frame of mind and the weather is still warm enough to enjoy being outside and perhaps even a bit wet. Who says seniors don't enjoy the... (Read More)
The chance for heat stroke due to overexposure significantly increases in the summer months, when temperatures soar. While it is important to get outside and stay active in summer, here are some tips to avoid a deadly heat stroke:
Wear... (Read More)