Let's face it, we all need to indulge sometimes. With these dessert recipes, you can indulge without having to feel guilty all week!
Homemade acai bowls. Acai bowls are packed full of nutrients, but still manage to taste like candy. Popular on... (Read More)
The American Heart Association just released a study claiming coconut oil is as unhealthy as butter and beef drippings. Time to switch back? (Read More)
It's time to get outside! There are dozens and dozens of activities that seniors can enjoy, and we want to draw your attention to an unusual one: Fly fishing! It's the perfect opportunity for both relaxation and activity. Plus, there is nothing... (Read More)
Meal prep doesn't have to be difficult for the food to be nutritious and delicious! If you've got a busy week ahead and are feeling spicy, here are three Mexican-style lunch recipes that you can make ahead of time and savor as the days go... (Read More)
By incorporating heart healthy foods into your diet, you can reduce you risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. You will not only lose weight, but feel better in the process. Check out these foods to add to your shopping... (Read More)
Did you know that more older adults are driving then ever before? The number of licensed drivers 65 and older is up 50 percent since 1999, to 40 million drivers. The aging of Baby Boomers, of course, is at play here, but perhaps there's another... (Read More)
It's time to get up and get moving!
Not sure about an exercise plan? The options for exercise are endless and can range anywhere from a short yoga class to a few laps in the pool. If you are able to keep up a regular, active lifestyle, chances... (Read More)
Warmer temperatures are one of spring’s great perks. They allow us to get outdoors, whether for exercise or an afternoon in the garden. Yet for seniors with allergies, time spent among the trees and flowers is an invitation for itchy eyes, runny... (Read More)
As people age, their appetite can decrease due to a variety of factors. Some simply cannot find time to cook while others have a limited appetite due to medications. Whatever the reason, not getting the proper nutrition is never an option. It is... (Read More)