No one likes a wrinkle, on their face or their favorite silk blouse. As we age, our skin changes and if we’re not careful, we could start to show a lot more of those pesky wrinkles. But wrinkles aren’t a given as we get older. With a little... (Read More)
What are some of the things you worry about? Would you say your stress level contributes to the amount you worry about certain things? You certainly aren’t alone.
When stress overtakes your life, it can make even the most mundane tasks seem... (Read More)
With temperatures rising (finally!) in many parts of the country, it’s natural to feel a bit of cabin fever.
The sense of awakening and rejuvenation coupled with new flower blooms and fresh air beckons us to get outside and stay... (Read More)
Forget the “golden age of television.” These days, it’s all about the reboot.
Cult classics like “The X-Files” and family-friendly sitcoms à la “Full House” are being dusted off, reimagined and targeted to a TV audience hungry for... (Read More)
Fun fact: In 2015, millennials (born between 1981 and 1995) surpassed baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) as America’s largest living generation.
Known for being well-educated and tech-savvy with a penchant for cynicism, millennials are a... (Read More)
Whether you’re retiring in five years or 15 years, there’s no doubt you’ve been thinking about how and where you want to spend your golden years. But if you think you can’t afford to retire overseas, think again.
Check out the following... (Read More)
When you envision retirement, you probably picture yourself traveling the world, spoiling your grandkids or taking up that new hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Spending a large chunk of your nest egg on medical expenses doesn’t likely come to... (Read More)
Did you know millennials are more than twice as likely to achieve their New Year’s resolutions than people aged 50 and older? Considering just eight percent of all resolutioners experience success, it seems Baby Boomers are even further behind the... (Read More)
There’s no doubt we’re living in the age of technology. The millennial generation has enjoyed access to smartphones from an early age and has never had to do homework without the aid of the Internet. Older folks, long thought to be averse to... (Read More)