What are some of the things you worry about? Would you say your stress level contributes to the amount you worry about certain things? You certainly aren’t alone.
One of the biggest challenges older adults face is managing stress. This can be a... (Read More)
Old habits can be hard to break. One of the hardest can be lowering your salt intake. It’s all too easy to get used to the current salt content of food (and even drinks, condiments and sauces) without even noticing it. However, if your caree... (Read More)
No one wants to stress over what they will be eating during the week. But going to the grocery store with a plan in mind — and a list in hand — can help ensure you buy foods with the best nutritional value for your money. Here are some tips... (Read More)
If you’re a caregiver, you know that many times, it can seem like a full-time job. But what if you have another full-time job on top of that – one that actually pays your own personal bills? There are a few ways to balance work with caregiving... (Read More)
Pre-retirement, you probably spent your days closing big deals. Maybe you had lots of success entertaining clients. Or perhaps you bestowed helpful knowledge onto a classroom that will stay with them the rest of their lives.
Whatever your line of... (Read More)
Caregivers truly are the unsung heroes of the world. But sometimes, just knowing you're doing an extraordinary job caring for a loved one isn't enough. You'd like to hear the words "thank you" from your loved one once in a while — and that's... (Read More)
As we age, falls and fractures become a major threat to our health and well-being. That's because our bones weaken as we age and osteoporosis can cause bones to become more porous — and thus more prone to fractures. It's estimated that... (Read More)
Stress is a fact of life. If you're a caregiver, though, you're likely feeling additional strain. If left unchecked, it can leave you feeling anxious, depressed, angry and overwhelmed. It can affect your physical well-being, too, by causing poor... (Read More)
Post-retirement, time takes on a new meaning — as in, there's more of it! Hours that were once spent at work are now yours to spend as you'd like. Are you taking full advantage?
As we transition out of a 9 to 5 schedule, hobbies can help keep... (Read More)