Summer is a wonderful time and getting outside to enjoy it is part of what makes the nicer weather so appealing. But summer has its own health risks. Here are a few things to watch out for as you head out for some fun in the sun.
We spend more time in the sun during the summer, so it makes sense that if you’re not careful, you’ll get burned. Skin cancer is a serious problem. If you’re over 50, have a family history of cancer or had it yourself, you should be especially vigilant. Be sure to check yourself for skin cancer every few months to make sure you’re in the clear.
With the higher temperatures comes a greater risk for heat stroke. When it’s hot outside, your body’s core temperature can rise to an unsafe level and possibly cause permanent damage. Be sure to stay out of the sun when you can and drink plenty of fluids. If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, call 911 immediately.
Eating outside is a staple of summer fun but when food is left outside too long, food poisoning could be around the corner. Food-borne illnesses are bad any time of the year, but during the summer, they are more prevalent. Be careful about leaving food out in the heat for longer than necessary. A little common sense will go a long way in making sure no one gets sick at your picnic.
Dehydration is another big problem during the summer. Higher temperatures and more activity without proper hydration can make you a target for severe dehydration. Be sure to take a lot of water breaks and be especially careful with children. They probably won’t ask for water so make sure they get enough.
With all the concerns we face during the summer, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But the bottom line is, summer is a time for fun, family and friends. Use your common sense and you’ll make it through the summer healthy and happy.