It’s time to get outside! There are dozens and dozens of activities that seniors can enjoy, and we want to draw your attention to an unusual one: Fly fishing! It’s the perfect opportunity for both relaxation and activity. Plus, there is nothing better than reeling in a big fish! Here are some tips for seniors to stay safe while fly fishing.
Stay clear of high water. During runoff season, stay clear of rivers running extremely fast and high. The chance of falling in may turn fatal if there is not someone else nearby to call 911 or you are not wearing a PFD. Besides, the fishing is usually not so great when water is fast and high.
Bring the proper safety equipment. Do not plan to go fishing without carrying the proper safety items like water, flashlights, cell phone and a radio. Always wear the appropriate foot gear (felt-lined wading boots, for instance). Bring sunscreen, insect repellant and several layers of clothing,
Scout before you go. It doesn’t hurt to scout out the area you plan on fishing before you arrive. Evaluate each area you want to fish based on several environmental factors. Do not fish in areas where fishing is not permitted due to the protection of wildlife, vegetation and your safety.
The next time you plan to go fly fishing, keep these tips in mind. Stay safe!