It’s true — the sweaty equipment at the gym is a breeding ground for all types of germs. Although gym staff work hard to keep the equipment clean, there’s no way to avoid people who are sick and sneezing or coughing on the equipment. These tips will help you avoid sickness from the gym.
Wipe down all equipment
Be sure to wipe down all equipment before and after your workout to ensure your space is as clean as possible. Most gyms have cleaning supplies on hand near equipment areas or you can bring your own cleaning products with you. Additionally, it’s important to get rid of pesky germs that you can bring home from the gym on your phone, headphones, water bottles, and clothes.
Wash your hands…frequently
Washing your hands frequently can significantly decrease your chances of getting sick at the gym. Be sure to wash your hands before you go, in between workouts, and then again before you leave. Don’t be afraid to use the hand sanitizers provided at the gym when you are looking for a quick fix.
Protect your skin
Bacteria can easily develop in warm, moist environments. Protect your skin by wearing loose-fitting, moisture-wicking clothing, and be sure to wash them after every workout. If you have any cuts on your skin, keep the cuts sanitized and covered until they are healed.
Bring your own towel
If possible, avoid sharing towels at the gym. Instead, bring your own sweat towel and designate one side for wiping your face and the other for wiping down the equipment.