Do you always spend more at the grocery than you intended? Do you find yourself wanting to eat out several times per week or stop at your local fast food window? Stick to your budget by planning ahead instead of trying to play catch up after you’ve made unhealthy choices. These tips come straight from the pros:
1. Frozen food is your friend
Try buying frozen produce to help your food stay fresh longer. Despite popular myths, fruits and veggies are frozen when they hit peak freshness, meaning they still contain all of their vitamins and minerals. For a quick meal, try throwing frozen veggies in the microwave or tossing some Brussels sprouts with fresh olive oil and sea salt.
2. Buy in bulk
Buying staple items like brown rice, lentils and oats in bulk can help you save time and money. You can purchase these items at your local Costco, Sam’s Club or Winco at an affordable price. Store your foods in an air tight container and start researching ways to incorporate staple items into your daily meal plan!
3. Get creative with food waste
Finding creative ways to utilize leftover food into new recipes will save you time and money. For example, try using the rest of a rotisserie chicken for shredded chicken tacos the day after and then using the bones for chicken stock.
4. Try out generic brands
Generic brands are sold in every grocery store and mimic name brands closely. In fact, consumer studies have found that generic brands often offer the same quality as national brands but at a lower price. Before you buy, be sure to read the label to make sure the ingredients are up to par.
5. Visit your local farmer’s market
Visit a farmer’s market this weekend and find the best deals on seafood, fresh produce, and meat while supporting your local market. Everything you purchase will be completely fresh and in-season — ready to be made into a delicious dinner!