There’s nothing quite like getting outside on a sunny day. The clear sky. The warm breeze. And the green trees and plants. It’s good for you, too! Studies show that outdoor activity can help you better manage conditions such as blood pressure and cholesterol and can help prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease.
Spending time outdoors being physically active can be a great way to refresh and rejuvenate, too. Studies show outdoor exercise can help you better manage stress and feel happier. Here are some great ways to fit some outdoor activity into your busy schedule:
Pencil it in. Schedule time for outdoor activity like you would other important aspects of your life. Consider making activity outdoors a priority for a minimum of two hours per week. Studies show exercising in the outdoors for at least 120 minutes each week has numerous benefits other than just the physical activity itself. Research shows that at least that amount of exposure to green space — anywhere with green trees and plants —can lower stress levels and even may reduce the risk of health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
Work something new into your routine. A morning walk can be a great way to start the day. Hiking with a friend can be a great way to keep in touch and develop balance and work different muscle groups. Bicycling can be an ideal activity to enjoy with children. Try new ways to enjoy the outdoors and explore areas of your community that you haven’t tried before. Have you tried disc golf? An obstacle course? Make it a family affair by drawing your spouse, children, friends and even the family dog into outdoor recreation.
Take care of yourself. Don’t forget the sunblock when you venture out. Drink plenty of water and always let someone know where you’re headed.
Speaking of water, make sure everyone drinks plenty of it. Hanging out in the swimming pool is not the same as staying hydrated. If you take a vigorous swim, it actually depletes your internal water supply. Drink up and enjoy your summer!