Staying healthy as you age can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. While nothing can replace a healthy diet and regular exercise in staving off disease and keeping your mind and body in tip-top shape, it never hurts to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Here are some even Houdini would be proud of:
Coffee. A study of 1,400 Italian seniors showed a link between two cups of daily coffee and a decreased risk of mild cognitive impairment. However, an increased intake of coffee over time resulted in a higher risk of dementia, suggesting that moderate consumption of the caffeinated beverage is key to experiencing its optimal benefits. So drink up – but not too much!
Apps. As smartphone use among older Americans continues to increase, there’s no shortage of health-related applications for seniors and their caregivers. GetMyRx is just one of thousands available. The app allows you to scan a prescription and have it delivered, eliminating the need to wait at a pharmacy and the risk that you’ll forget to pick up your medications altogether.
Singing. Participation in creative endeavors such as art, writing, knitting and even singing can help keep your mind sharp, improve your problem-solving skills and even result in lower levels of depression. These activities can provide opportunity for social interaction as well, limiting the potential for seniors to feel isolated and lonely – both factors that contribute to early death. Even if you’re no Picasso or Beyoncé, get out of your comfort zone by taking an art class or joining a chorale group. You just might find a new favorite hobby!
What are some of the ways you’ve stayed young even as you get older? Follow us on social media and join the conversation!